Friday, December 25, 2009

Sally Peterson - Columbus, Ohio

Sally Peterson
Film Connection Student from Columbus, Ohio

It's Christmas time once again. And I‚m sure that we‚re going to be seeing Christmas classics. Personally, I prefer the Home Alone series. Kinda lame, I know, but it just takes me back to my childhood. It brings back so many good memories. Plus, it‚s really funny. I barely get to watch it now, save for this season, and I end up laughing so hard at the same thing. Despite the fact that I've seen it before.

Sometimes, I even laugh before a funny scene is shown. Knowing it's coming up and remembering how funny it is will just crack me up. And I think I just told the whole world of just how lame I am when it comes to my favorite movies.

Still, aren't these films the greatest. It doesn‚t have to be the Home Alone series, just these films that turn into such classics. They're the kind of films that you could watch over and over again, and you're still going to react to and love it the same way you did when you first show it. And no matter how many times you've watched it, you still want to see it.

This is why I want to be a part of the film-making process. To be a part of something that will last longer than any of us could possibly imagine. And even though I'm still a student and I'm still learning, with me getting my lessons in an actual film set, I get to see firsthand what it takes. It makes me so excited. I am getting this film connection to be a part of the next classic that people will enjoy for years to come.

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