Friday, December 25, 2009
Sally Peterson - Columbus, Ohio
Film Connection Student from Columbus, Ohio
It's Christmas time once again. And I‚m sure that we‚re going to be seeing Christmas classics. Personally, I prefer the Home Alone series. Kinda lame, I know, but it just takes me back to my childhood. It brings back so many good memories. Plus, it‚s really funny. I barely get to watch it now, save for this season, and I end up laughing so hard at the same thing. Despite the fact that I've seen it before.
Sometimes, I even laugh before a funny scene is shown. Knowing it's coming up and remembering how funny it is will just crack me up. And I think I just told the whole world of just how lame I am when it comes to my favorite movies.
Still, aren't these films the greatest. It doesn‚t have to be the Home Alone series, just these films that turn into such classics. They're the kind of films that you could watch over and over again, and you're still going to react to and love it the same way you did when you first show it. And no matter how many times you've watched it, you still want to see it.
This is why I want to be a part of the film-making process. To be a part of something that will last longer than any of us could possibly imagine. And even though I'm still a student and I'm still learning, with me getting my lessons in an actual film set, I get to see firsthand what it takes. It makes me so excited. I am getting this film connection to be a part of the next classic that people will enjoy for years to come.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Angeline Walters - Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington Film Connection Student
What would a good movie be without a good soundtrack? Admit it, movies would have less of an impact without the music. Visuals are not enough, especially not to an average viewer. The perfect soundtrack gets them in the right mood to be able to appreciate what the movie is trying to show them.
And it’s not just the music too. Every sound you hear in a movie is as well thought out as the blocking of the scenes or the delivery of the line. If the accompanying sound comes a minute too soon or a minute too late, the difference is just phenomenal.
Though not as much of a big deal as the other parts of the film-making process, being part of the sound department is still a hugely important part. You need to be on your toes both technically (handling all the equipment) and creatively. It is a rather fascinating process, one I’m learning so much as my internship goes on.
And what’s interesting in this internship is I get to effectively strike two birds with one stone. For one, I’m already seeing my mentor in his element, seeing him apply his years of knowledge to helping the movie be as great as it could be. For another, aside from learning from what he is teaching me, I’m also helping him with his work. It’s as if I’m already working. I get to apply what I learned right away.
I’m getting that film connection to be a part of the success of the movie, even when I’m basically just that background sound that you won’t notice. But you’ll definitely miss it if it’s not there.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Rachel Campbell - Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon Film Connection Student
It may sound cliché, but ever since I was little girl, I’ve always wanted to be a star. I would take some gold tinfoil and fashion a star out of it. Then I’d get my dad to place it outside my bedroom door, so that everyone passing by would know that this is the bedroom of star. Or one who would soon be a star.
Years later, reality caught up with me, but that golden star on my bedroom door remains. It reminds me of the dreams I have yet to give up on, no matter the financial constraints. So I worked and worked and worked some more to be able to get myself the necessary training to be on my way. I don’t want just fame and fortune, although those would be incredible bonuses. I want to be respected in a field that I love so much.
But acting classes, among other things, just cost too much. At least the ones that seem authoritative enough to teach me just what I need. So I am so glad that I found a program that fits within my budget. It’s not going to cost me an arm and a leg to do so. And since I see that it is affiliated with the Joe Anthony Studios of Hollywood, California, I know that I’m in the right place. The best thing is, I can stay right where I am and still be able to do something to achieve my goals.
These acting workshops are just the beginning, but it has given me the right film connection to make that star on my bedroom door more than just a gold tinfoil.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Louise Frederickson - Las Vegas, Nevada
Ashley Johnson - Chicago, Illinois
Friday, November 27, 2009
Sarah Mitchell - Indianapolis, Indiana
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dexter Fabian - Kirby, Vermont
Friday, November 13, 2009
Jane Mitchell - Long Island, New York
Friday, November 6, 2009
Darryl Jones - San Jose, California
Friday, October 30, 2009
Eugene Castle - Washington DC
Friday, October 23, 2009
Lisa Burdock - Tucson, Arizona
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Samantha Griffin – New Jersey
Samantha Griffin
Film Connection Student - New Jersey
I love films! I'm completely over-the-top, nuts over the whole thing. True, there are so many different genres of films, from so many different countries, that you cannot even begin to start watching them. One of my biggest dreams is to have been able learn about film studies.
Setting up sets, creating the screenplay and scripts, making the costumes, practicing the stunts and choreography as well as mastering the best visual effects there is, these are things that I want to learn! There has been a lot of interest recently for film studies all over the world. With all of the news and recent breaking stories on the television, one or two or a few of them are bound to be made into a biography or documentary or even b-rated film.
Films are a good way to relax. It allows our imagination to run and be free. There are many, many stories that allow us to do that. A lot of people don't even know it but they are lucky to have it!
A lot of us don't have it. But for those who do, they are lucky to have the right film connection in and with them. I envy them. They get to study the thing where many people only dream of studying! The field of study of a lifetime!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Nicoletta Lingrosso - L.A. Film Student
I had class this week with my mentor. I will be working on my new
documentary the next two weeks and showing my mentor my progress through the power point presentation as I am preparing it as well as my
treatment. I hope to start on the interviews in the next 3 weeks.
I will be finished with the rough edit of my first documentary by
March 11th "The Good Hunt". I have also been watching some classic
films that have been assigned to me. I must say Citizen Kane is by far
my favorite as of yet. My mentor also has me apprenticing in Post Production which has been a great learning experience as I have been sitting in with
the Editors the past 2 months. I am working on my scripts as well and hope to enter a writing contest at the end of March and soon to begin writing a new comedy. I am working on my website and once that has been completed I will post it to Myspace, Facebook and Mediawarrior.
I have created a new company with my sister as she is the director on
my documentaries and I am the producer. The company name is
FocusIncProductions. This is what I have been doing in the past 2 weeks and I will continue working on this until my next meeting with my mentor through March 11th. Things are going well and this has been the best experience and career training program. Film Connection works.
thank you
Nicoletta Lingrosso
Colleen Rowley - Portland, Oregon
I can not believe how cool this program is. While every schedule is different and some are only able to go to their studio a few hours per week, here is my schedule. Here is what I do every week:
I am getting about 30-40 hours on average at my studio weekly.
- 2 hrs. was spent on training on the Panasonic HVX-200 HD Camera Package w/Letus Extreme Prime Lens Upgrade. Here I learned how to assemble this camera, all the different parts and features, how to put on different lenses, packing the HVX and its gear up, proper storage, and a bit of this cameras focal depth (hands on).
- 2 hrs spent touring the studio location and its gear. Grip gear, lenses, cameras, green screen, tripods, loading and unloading the gear trailer...ect.
- 1 hrs spent assembling the gear of the HVX camera and the run bag for the upcoming shoot.
- 2 hrs spent on their new camera; Red One 4K Digital Cinema Package
Red Raid Drive
Red Flash Drive
Testing for any flaws as well as testing shots to find the best compression ratios.
- 1 hrs spent checking in video gear and making sure everything is in the right bags.
- .5 hrs spent going over my weekly lesson
- .5 hrs spent on a client meeting in which I took notes down to prep for the shot list and call sheet info
- .75 hrs spent on making a call sheet for an upcoming shoot
- .5 hrs spent on prepping the equipment for this shoot
- 1.5 hrs spent on learning and using Color Correction through Final Cut Pro on stock footage
- 1.5 hrs spent on acquiring props for and upcoming shoot (pre-production)
- 1 hrs spent on calling talent and coming up with wardrobe ideas for upcoming shoot.
- 2 hrs meeting with producer director/Dp coming up with shots and shot list, wardrobe, cast, location, time...ect.
This day was a stock footage shoot for funnelbox, shot in downtown portland or. I was involved with directing, lighting, PA, talent and being talent, location set up...ect. I was a PA on a commercial shoot in which I also did some lighting, back at the office I made a call sheet for an upcoming shoot and shipped out some dub tabes to a few clients.
Aline Nordmark - London, England
Location: London, UK
I want to be a Director of Photography. Film Connection hooked me up with a DP and I am going to meet with my mentor one on one and learn camera. My mentor is great, and I am very excited about having her as a mentor!
Douglas Maxwell Myer - New York City
I really am happy with the Film Connection film program. A corporate company came in regards to shoot a marketing video for their website. I served as a teleprompter for two days on this
particular project and I was paid for that job. That's right I am going to class and I also got paid. Then, PBS came in to shoot a commercial and I served as an assistant to the prop-master.. Later on in the week I helped out with editing some corporate projects. I also watched the studio animator work with the program that I'll be using for my project. This program is great in that it uts you in the real world so you get to get apprentice on real projects and make real contacts as you learn.